Saturday, June 11, 2011


141. "Thank you for subscribing. You may have just won a free iPad!" - Edric Haleen

142. "Thank you for subscribing. Now what? You just gonna sit there and take up space? Or are you going to entertain me already?" - Edric Haleen

143. "Thank you for subscribing. Please tune your radio to AM 1240 for further instructions..." - Edric Haleen

144. "Thank you for subscribing. But if you're from Michigan you can just unsubscribe yourself right now. :p" - Edric Haleen (edited by Spin)
- YouTube Response: I was looking through my channel comments the other day and I saw that you commented on my channel. What do you mean by "If you're from Michigan, you can just unsubscribe yourself right now"? What's wrong with being from Michigan? :D

145. "Thank you for subscribing. Should a rash develop, see a doctor and burn all of your bedding and underwear." - @Calliopeva

146. "Thank you for subscribing. Remember, your frequent subscriber miles can earn you valuable discounts." - @dr_lindyke

147. "Thank you for subscribing. But for the safety of everyone here, please don't leave comments on my channel until the results of your STD test are back. (And negative.)" - Edric Haleen

148. "Thank you for subscribing. It's people like you who will someday change the world. Or at least fill it with server farms." - Edric Haleen

149. "Tell the douche who commented last week to leave the funny comments to me. BTW Thanks for subscribing." - Spin (this is odd since I have others creating most of my comments now)
In Response To: "Can I borrow a sock?" - Some random YouTubers channel comment

150. "Thanks for subscribing. Not many people would do that for me. Now I'm your pal for life. Do you have a spare bedroom?" - @BoffoYuxDudes

151. "Thank you for subscribing. Due to an evil curse that was placed upon my channel, you must get 5 more subscribers for me in the next 7 days of something horrific will happen to you." - @Calliopeva (edited by Spin)

152. "Thank you for subscribing. Now you have to dance on one foot and shout 'I'm a Pretty Bird' to all who pass by, then post it on YT. I'll wait." - @BoffoYuxDudes

153. "Thank you for subscribing. Remember, you must present your card at the desk to check out a video." - @dr_lindyke

154. "Thank you for subscribing. (If you were more important you me, I'd think of something witty to say here. But you're not, really, so suffice it to say -- thanks. Just . . . thanks.)" - Edric Haleen

155. "Thank you for subscribing. You're just in time for our bi-yearly Internet streaming of Theodore Rex, starring Whoopi Goldberg. Best. Movie. EVER!!! (Tune in tonight at 9:37 EDT...)" - Edric Haleen

156. "Thank you for subscribing. You can't know just how much I was looking forward to having to leave another thank you note in someone's channel comments..." - Edric Haleen

157. "Thank you for subscribing. (You seem a lot nicer than the LAST person who subscribed!)" - Edric Haleen

158. "Thank you for subscribing! You've been automatically placed into a drawing for a Jelly of The Month Club exclusive 2.5 year membership! Check the @Spintown twitter feed every 14 minutes, to see if you've won!" - Edric's Girlfriend (edited by Spin)

159. "Thank you for subscribing. You're responsible for buying the first round of drinks." - Edric Haleen

160. "Thank you for subscribing. You've seen my videos, but have you seen my car keys? #lost" - @dr_lindyke

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